Posted on
December 15, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods. This Ocean View unit...
Posted on
October 17, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods. This brand new Ocean...
Posted on
October 16, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods. This Ocean View unit...
Posted on
July 28, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods. This brand new Ocean...
Posted on
May 14, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods, this brand new collection...
Posted on
March 31, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods, this brand new collection...
Posted on
January 15, 2009
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
The Breakwater! Situated on one of Victoria's most scenic streets in one of the city's most lively neighbourhoods, this brand new collection...
Posted on
November 17, 2008
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
Now completed! The Breakwater is situated on one of Victoria’s most scenic streets in one of the city’s most lively neighbourhoods, these...
Posted on
November 17, 2008
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
Now completed! The Breakwater is situated on one of Victoria’s most scenic streets in one of the city’s most lively neighbourhoods, these...
Posted on
November 17, 2008
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
SHOWHOMES OPEN SAT-SUN 2-4PM! The Breakwater is situated on one of Victoria’s most scenic streets in one of the city’s most lively nei...
Posted on
November 17, 2008
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
Now completed! The Breakwater is situated on one of Victoria’s most scenic streets in one of the city’s most lively neighbourhoods, these...
Posted on
November 17, 2008
Ian Brown (Pemberton Holmes - Cloverdale)
I have sold a property at Vi James Bay, Victoria.
Open House Sun Sept 23rd -Noon to 2 PM. Zebra design contemporary duplex. Sophisticated, elegant & minimalistic. 2400 sq.ft. 3bed/3bath...
Broadmead, Saanich East
Co Colwood Corners, Colwood
Co Colwood Corners, Colwood Real Estate
Co Gravel Pit, Colwood Real Estate
Co Hatley Park, Colwood Real Estate
Co Lagoon, Colwood
Co Lagoon, Colwood Real Estate
Co Royal Bay, Colwood Real Estate
Co Triangle, Colwood Real Estate
Colwood Corners, Colwood
CS Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich
CS Brentwood Bay, Central Saanich Real Estate
CS Martindale, Central Saanich Real Estate
CS Tanner, Central Saanich Real Estate
Du East Duncan, Duncan Real Estate
Egmont Real Estate
Es Esquimalt, Esquimalt
Es Esquimalt, Esquimalt Real Estate
Es Old Esquimalt, Esquimalt Real Estate
Es Saxe Point, Esquimalt Real Estate
Esquimalt, Esquimalt
GI Mayne Island, Gulf Islands Real Estate
GI Pender Island, Gulf Islands Real Estate
GI Salt Spring, Gulf Islands Real Estate
Hi Highlands, Highlands Real Estate
Hospital, View Royal
James-Bay, Victoria
La Atkins, Langford Real Estate
La Bear Mountain, Langford Real Estate
La Fairway, Langford Real Estate
La Florence Lake, Langford Real Estate
La Glen Lake, Langford Real Estate
La Happy Valley, Langford
La Happy Valley, Langford Real Estate
La Langford Lake, Langford Real Estate
La Langford Proper, Langford
La Langford Proper, Langford Real Estate
La Mill Hill, Langford
La Mill Hill, Langford Real Estate
La Thetis Heights, Langford
La Thetis Heights, Langford Real Estate
La Walfred, Langford Real Estate
Langford Proper, Langford
Mayfair, Victoria
Me Metchosin, Metchosin Real Estate
Mill Hill, Langford
ML Mill Bay, Malahat & Area Real Estate
ML Shawnigan Lake, Malahat & Area
ML Shawnigan Lake, Malahat & Area Real Estate
NS Swartz Bay, North Saanich Real Estate
OB Estevan, Oak Bay Real Estate
OB Gonzales, Oak Bay Real Estate
OB South Oak Bay, Oak Bay Real Estate
OB Uplands, Oak Bay Real Estate
Portage-Inlet, Saanich West
Quadra, Saanich East
SE Arbutus, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Broadmead, Saanich East
SE Broadmead, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Cadboro Bay, Saanich East
SE Cadboro Bay, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Camosun, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Cordova Bay, Saanich East Real Estate
SE High Quadra, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Lake Hill, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Lambrick Park, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Maplewood, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Mt Tolmie, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Quadra, Saanich East
SE Quadra, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Queenswood, Saanich East Real Estate
SE Swan Lake, Saanich East
SE Ten Mile Point, Saanich East
SE Ten Mile Point, Saanich East Real Estate
Shawnigan Lake, Malahat & Area
Si Sidney North-East, Sidney Real Estate
Si Sidney North-West, Sidney Real Estate
Si Sidney South-East, Sidney Real Estate
Sk Kemp Lake, Sooke Real Estate
Sk Saseenos, Sooke Real Estate
Sk Sooke Vill Core, Sooke Real Estate
SW Gateway, Saanich West Real Estate
SW Gorge, Saanich West Real Estate
SW Portage Inlet, Saanich West
SW Royal Oak, Saanich West Real Estate
SW Rudd Park, Saanich West Real Estate
SW Strawberry Vale, Saanich West Real Estate
SW Tillicum, Saanich West
SW Tillicum, Saanich West Real Estate
SW West Saanich, Saanich West Real Estate
Swan Lake, Saanich East
Tillicum, Saanich West
UIPQ Bowser / Deep Bay, UI Parksville / Qualicum Real Estate
Vi Burnside, Victoria
Vi Burnside, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Central Park, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Downtown, Victoria
Vi Downtown, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Fairfield East, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Fairfield West, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Fairfield, Victoria
Vi Fairfield, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Fernwood, Victoria
Vi Fernwood, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Hillside, Victoria
Vi Hillside, Victoria Real Estate
Vi James Bay
Vi James Bay, Victoria
Vi James Bay, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Mayfair, Victoria
Vi Mayfair, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Rock Bay, Victoria
Vi Rockland, Victoria Real Estate
Vi Sears, Victoria Real Estate
Victoria Real Estate
VR Glentana, View Royal Real Estate
VR Hospital, View Royal
VR Hospital, View Royal Real Estate
VR Prior Lake, View Royal Real Estate
VR View Royal, View Royal Real Estate
VW Songhees, Victoria West Real Estate
VW Victoria West, Victoria West Real Estate